Sunday, November 26, 2006

It's been forever... definitely has been quite a while since I've written anything...and that's partly because I've been so busy, but mostly because for half the month of October and half the month of November I was down in California at my parent's house. I went down with the intention of helping them paint the house and get it ready to sell, but I really didn't get a whole lot done since no one wanted to pay attention to J...and he was quite the little terror since he had no restrictions on where he could go in the house. And of course Mom's house is definitely NOT baby proofed! It was nice to be gone while L was out to sea again, though. Definitely passed the time way quicker than it would have had I been in this big house just J and I.

Thanksgiving was a day late for us, since L had duty on Thanksgiving was still pretty dang good...I have been quite proud of my cooking thus far...and I enjoy doing it immensely when I have the time to spend without the little one yelling at me all the time. Now it's time to get ready for Christmas, and I am sooo excited for the holidays. I love everything about Christmas...the food, the family, the gift-giving....the lights and the whole family is coming up along with Cheri and her boyfriend Ben from Iowa. It should be a good time had by all...but I am sure I will be soooo ready to see them go, too. Because the parents are getting ready to move, their plan is to get the house ready and up for sale before then and then after Christmas, mom and Missy will stay here with us and get jobs and start school and my dad and Renee will go back down to CA and continue to work and wait for the house to sell. It will be nice to have my mother here, so that at least L and I can get out and actually go on a date or go see a movie or something.....the last movie I saw in the movie theaters was The Notebook...and that was when I was still pregnant with J. CRAZY! But it will be nice to have a built-in babysitter....

Other than that, life is plain and simple, as usual...which I suppose isn't all bad, but I feel like I have nothing to challenge me and nothing to keep my mind strong...and I feel like I am going to lose it if I don't use it soon!! :o) I am sooo hoping that I will be able to pay UCONN off soon so that I can finally start the medical transcription courses that I have been wanting to take for over a year now....I am so ready to get going with the schooling so that I can be done and start working, making some kind of monetary contribution to the family...Also so that if L does happen to end up getting out of the Navy, we will be okay while he finds a new job and starts working at it. I suppose everything will happen like it should and I will just have to wait and see what the future holds, but sometimes I want to take life by the scruff of the neck and steer it in the right direction ahead of time...if that makes any sense :o) Okay..well...enough rambling for one evening...
Until next time....